Pigsy Banksy
Last weekend, a few friends and I participated in Ludum Dare where people try to make a game in a weekend. The theme was “Your life is currency” and we came up with Pigsy Banksy (follow the link to download it for Windows, Mac, or Linux):
- You’re a flying piggy bank.
- You collect coins, which are also your life.
- You shoot coins to hit objects, but they cost life.
- The more coins you have, the heavier you are and the harder it is to fly.
To make the game, we used the Unity game engine and I used Tilt Brush and Poly Toolkit to create some assets, including the main character:
The main things I worked on was the character animation (Pigsy squints when she takes damage, her legs swing as she flies, and she does little idle animations like blinking and snorting). I also did some work on the controls and some other animation things like the coins bouncing in and numbers popping up for your coin count.
It was a ton of fun to do and I learned a lot. The main things are to keep the idea simple and it helps to know your tools. In my case, I burned a couple hours getting git to work with two-factor authentication on my laptop. In particular, I learned I had to:
- Set up an ssh key for GitHub.
- Change from https to ssh.
If anyone’s curious, the entire git repository is available here.