Theoretically, if the accelerometer is perfectly accurate, you should be able to calculate exactly how far it moves as you move it. It just involves a little “x = x0 + v0*t + .5*t*t” action. (MMmmmm, high school physics … oh yeah.) In practice … it’s not that accurate.
I was hoping to write a little app that did something based on that, but it looks like the accelerometer isn’t quite accurate enough. So I might have to scrap my original idea. But over the weekend, I’m going to try some heuristics to compensate enough for the inaccuracies and give it one more go.
October 11th, 2008 at 12:51 am
Mach, you lost me at “Theoretically”. But I will definitely look forward to any app you produce. Showed off Mach Dice again today. I keep getting a weird memory message when I rotate through all the backgrounds. Is that supposed to happen?
October 11th, 2008 at 9:51 am
Cool! Are you thinking like “inertial navigation” or more like “measure this table by moving your iPhone from one end to the other”?